The capability of the leadership team is the biggest predictor of an organisation’s success. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought this insight into even sharper focus. As an SME scales considerable complexity is added to senior roles and this can quickly overwhelm existing incumbents. Added to this is a lack of attention to a good organisation design. Assemble changemaking senior teams and create value adding structures using The Changemaker Effect’s proprietary science based methodology.
The Case for SME's
The capability of the CEO and the senior team is the single biggest predictor of future business and investment performance. Knowing whether a senior team is ‘big enough’ though is usually left to trial and error. In the case of SME’s this is exacerbated further by a lack of attention to structure as they scale.
The Changemaker Effect’s human capital practice uses a unique science based system to address this problem and brings real rigour and objectivity to human capital due diligence.
At the heart of the science is the notion that we are not all able to handle the same levels of complexity. An early stage business scaling at pace adds significant complexity. The question to solve is what roles will founders and the ‘founding family’ take in a scaled organisation. Without this attention the added complexity overwhelms them and failure is almost certain.
Even where SME owners are big enough their inherent dislike of structure is a major problem. Moving a business from early stage mode where all roads lead to the owner and adding structure and clear accountabilities is critical.
A failure to attend to the 'complexipacity’ of owners, any ‘founding family’ and/or structure has serious consequences as the following case study will demonstrate.